In the Humble Little Condom, I note that during WWII, two of the only non-rationed items in the UK were condoms and beer.  The "ration ministers" felt that these items were too important to morale - of military and civilians - to be limited.  If what is happening in this crazy economy today is anything to go by, those old guys had a clue!
With all the insecurity in the world today, two things are selling like hotcakes, ensuring handsome profits to those lucky companies helping us all to feel good. 
In the US, Trojans are selling at a much higher rate than they have in years, and beer makers and distrubutors are making a killing.  In the UK, Durex is flying off the shelves, and though some pubs are feeling the squeeze, store sales of alcoholic beverages are soaring. 
And according Newsweek, this financial phenomenon has spread to some other feel-good "professions"; lap dancers, lady masseuses, and "others" are doing nicely, thank you!  Some of those interviewed told the reporter that they are making great money...and sending it home to fathers and brothers (plumbers, construction workers, etc) who've gotten the sack because of the downturn in the economy.  What a weird weird world!!

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