According to the sex therapy charity - yes, really! - Relate, there has been a 40% increase in men who just don't want to have sex with their wives (or female partners).  This is a very different story that that of 1997, when the same kind of poll had it that middle aged men - 30-50-year-olds -were really enjoying it!
It's not a viagra issue, either, it's an "I don't care," issue. In spite of all of that "communication" stuff we have been fed since the 1970s, it turns out this age group really don't know how - or don't feel able - to talk to the women in their lives.  Why?  One expert says it's about the changing roles of men and are no longer sure of their roles in the home, in relationships, even in the work place, which is leading to a "new" kind of depression.  (Out of six countries studied, the UK has the greatest problem.)
It is true that women ARE in the work place in numbers not seen since WWII, but technology means the phone, the computer, the mp3, and the television seem to come before - and between - couples, parents and their children, friends, etc., so perhaps it is more about general communication and simple "quality time," rather than a new dynamic of confused roles? 
Whatever the cause of this loss of libido, this could explain, in part, the recent drop off in condom sales!

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