Well, we read all about the really bad kissers, but here's a guide to really gooooood kissing.  Take note, you nibblers out there :) (And, no, I did not make this up, and yes, there are people out there who do not have enough to do!)
reat Breath - This is very important. Make sure you brush your teeth before going out on your date. There is nothing worse than kissing someone with bad breath. If your date consists of having something to eat before the actual kiss, make sure you have a mint on hand to take right after you finish eating. Don't take the mint just before the kiss or chew on gum. You don't want to have something in your mouth when you kiss.

Moist Lips - You want your lips to be slightly moist when you kiss. Run your tongue over your lips once before you kiss. Don't wear lip gloss because that tends to make the kiss too gooey. And don't wear a lot of lipstick unless you want your partner to wear it too after the kiss. Slightly moist lips makes it easier to move your lips over your partner's and gives both you and your partner a more pleasant experience.

Positioning - Stand close to your partner. As the two of you move closer together tilt your head slightly to one side.  If you don't, don't worry about it.  Your partner will still tilt their head slightly so your lips meet on a slight angle or they will kiss you straight on.  If you can see which way your partner's head is tilting, tilt your head slightly in the opposite direction.

Close Eyes - Just before your lips meet, close your eyes. Some people prefer to leave their eyes open during the kiss. But until you know what your partner prefers, it is best to close your eyes.  Kissing with your eyes open, looking into one another's eyes while you kiss, can be very erotic and some people find it quite enjoyable.  You may want to try kissing this way once you're more comfortable kissing your partner.

Open Lips - Open your mouth slightly and place your lips over your partner's lips. Do not hold your breath! Breath through your nose. As your lips meet, press them gently over your partner's. You may wish to move your lips in a slow, circular motion or just leave them still over your partners.

Closed Lips - This is like the type of kiss you'd give your grandma or aunt. Instead of opening your mouth when your lips meet, keep them closed. This is also a good way of letting your partner know this is as far as it goes. It also makes a great hello/good-bye kiss or a great first time kiss if you're nervous.

Hands - There are many ways you can use your hands during a kiss.  The most popular way is to put one hand on your partner's waist and the other one against the middle of their back.  Other ways to use your hands are to cup your partner's face in your hands (very romantic!), put them around your partner's neck, put them around their waist, hold your partner's upper or lower arms gently, run your finger's through their hair, or just hold their hands in yours.

French Kissing

This is the most popular type of kiss. This involves touching your tongue with your partner's and it can be quite a pleasant experience. There are a few tips to create a great French kiss.

Relax - You lips should be relaxed, you body should be relaxed, otherwise it will be like kissing a dead fish for the other person.  There are only two things involved in a French kiss:  your lips and your tongue.  That's it!

Open Lips - Your lips should be slightly parted, not open wide like you're at the dentist.  Open them just far enough, just like you are regularly breathing through your mouth.

Positioning - Do not have your face dead on to his/hers, otherwise your noses will touch.  You want to move your head to one side just enough so your nose is out of the way of theirs.  If you think about it then, with your head tilted one way and his the other way, your mouths will not reach dead on.  Your mouths will meet at the corner of the other's mouth.  It will look like the below picture:

If you look closely at the picture, you will see that their noses will actually touch the cheek of the other person.  Their lips have already touched.  When you touch the other person's lips and you stretch your tongue out a bit, your mouths will instinctively open as much as the couple in the picture.

Tongue - Practice on your own if you'd like.  Open your mouth enough (while you're by yourself of course!) just enough to stick a bit of your tongue out.  It will go past your teeth.  Don't stick your entire tongue out... just an inch or two.  That is how far you should stick your tongue out in a kiss.  So your tongue will go into their mouth and theirs will go into yours.  When this happens, both of your tongues will touch.  Then just circle the tip of your tongue around the tip of theirs.  If they do something different (because you have to remember that everyone kisses differently so some may move their tongue around a bit differently) then just do the same as they do.  They may flick their tongue over yours and you can do the same.  Or they explore the inside of your mouth with their tongue, do the same thing!  Or you can just lightly touch their tongue while they are exploring.  The best thing is to NOT just leave your tongue doing nothing.

As for movement of the head, that is entirely up to you.  Some people will move their heads very slightly in a small circular motion or figure eight.  Sometimes they won't.  Sometimes just one person moves their head and the other doesn't.  It's totally up to you.

You may explore different ways of using your tongue. Try running the tip of your tongue over your partner's lips. Do this slowly and gently, just using the tip of your tongue.

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