
Anyone living in the UK would have had to be hiding under a rock not to have heard about the mess made by American testing company ETS, which won the 156 milliion pound contract to grade the papers of all English test taking children.  The pundits' first question was why can't the English educational system do its own work, but I'll leave that one alone.  My concerns go far beyond such a nonsense - the tests ARE a nonsense! - but that this, to this observer, is a real statement about how bad the educational system is as a whole AND perhaps answers just why, when there is a curriculum for "safe sex" and all that entails, we are continuing to lose ground with our young people when it comes to that issue. 

They aren't abstaining, using condoms, which means they either don't get it or don't care, but either way, excellent education works.  Therein lies the problem - excellence is not there, or so well hidden, only a tiny percentage of English children are being treated to it.  We are now the very last in the Western world's educational attainment numbers, below the US.

Bottom line? Be afraid, be very afraid!! (for an article about the testing mess, go to the above link "timesonline." )

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